Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Being Charitable


                The National Alliance on Mental Illness, is a charity that helps people with mental illness which include ; depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorders,  anxiety, Borderline Personality Disorder, and other mental health disorders that exist in 1 out of 5 Americans.  This charity helps these people by studying the origins or their disorders, and they provide treatment for these people. Not only do they seek treatment but they provide aid and support to those who feel completely alone.
                 When I was 9 my all time favorite cousin committed suicide. No one really knew why, or what led her to such a drastic choice. She was 20, and she lived alone in her own apartment with her dog and two fishes. We spent so much time together because she would be my babysitter, she would play games with me, make me food, make jokes, tell me stories, and talk about her day with me, and her plans for her future. Thats why I didn't really understand what had happened when she passed away . I saw her as the happiest girl in the world. It was't until her parents found out she had a psychiatrist, who diagnosed her with severe bipolar depressive disorder that I really understood she wasn't fine, mentally.
               I feel like Mark Cuban should donate to this charity, so The National Alliance on Mental Illness could help those who feel like no one is there. With the support and donations of Mark Cuban, The National Alliance on Mental Illness can provide treatment for those who do have such an illness. This charity is extremely important because mental illness goes undetected throughout the world leading to suicide, self-harm, and other disorders and with mental health awareness i believe people who feel like they are alone can finally feel the support of someone .



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